Full Custody Guide: How to Get Full Custody in Indiana

Full Custody in Indiana

Key Highlights

  • To handle child custody cases, you need to know the law and put the child’s needs first.
  • Sole custody means one parent has all the rights and duties.
  • It is very important to build a stable and caring home when aiming for full custody.
  • It is a good idea to seek help from a skilled family law lawyer to guide you through this difficult process.
  • Co-parenting classes and mediation can help fix issues and create better relationships between parents.
  • Understanding the court steps and clearly presenting your case is vital for success in custody hearings.


Family law cases, especially those about custody of a child, can be very emotional and complex. The health and safety of the child matter most to the courts, who do their best to ensure children grow up in safe and loving environments. This blog post aims to help parents understand child custody law better and discuss how to seek full custody in Indiana.

Understanding Indiana’s Child Custody Laws

Navigating child custody in Indiana can be difficult. It is important to know Indiana’s custody laws. The courts prioritize the child’s care. They consider several factors when deciding on custody, including the child’s emotional and physical needs. They also consider how well each parent can provide a safe home. Finally, having a strong bond with both parents also matters.

Understanding the difference between joint custody and sole custody is useful in this situation. This knowledge shows you your options. It’s also important to know what you have to do to apply for full custody. This way, you can make smart choices.

Differentiating Between Joint and Sole Custody

In Indiana, the court can choose either sole custody or joint custody. Sole custody means that only one parent has all legal and physical responsibility for the children. This is usually given when one parent is not fit or if there are serious situations that impact the safety and well-being of the child.

Joint custody is often used when both parents can care for the child well. Joint legal custody allows both parents to make big choices about the child’s life, such as decisions about school, healthcare, and religion. Joint physical custody lets the child stay with both parents a lot, though the time may not be exactly equal.

Every custody case is different, and the courts work hard to make custody plans that meet each child’s specific needs.

When seeking full custody of a child, it is important to understand the main types of custody arrangements that the court typically considers. Legal custody involves decision-making rights regarding the child’s well-being, while physical custody determines where the child will reside.

The court’s main focus is on the best interest of the child when determining custody arrangements, taking into account factors that promote the child’s overall well-being and development. Understanding these main types of custody arrangements can help navigate the legal process of seeking full custody successfully.

Legal Requirements for Filing for Full Custody

In Indiana, parents can request full custody, which is also called sole legal and physical custody, of their children. This means you will be the only one with the legal right to make important decisions about your child’s life. These decisions include choices about education, healthcare, and religion.

To start the full custody process, you must file a custody petition with the correct family court. In Indiana, a parent can seek sole custody for several reasons. This can happen if the other parent is not fit due to neglect, abuse, drug use, or abandonment. It can also occur if there is strong evidence that giving one parent sole custody is best for the child.

It is important to know that courts often feel joint custody is best for the child unless clear proof says otherwise. If you want full custody, you must present strong evidence for your case. It would help if you showed that this option is needed to keep the child safe and support their best interests.

Preparing for Your Custody Case

Preparing for a custody case is very important. It would be best if you were well-organized and prepared. Start by collecting all the important papers. This includes birth certificates, medical records, and proof that shows your child’s needs. If you feel the other parent is not fit, collect evidence to support your concerns.

Write down everything. Keep clear records of your role in your child’s life. If you are worried about the other parent’s ability to care for your child, get strong proof. This can include notes about neglect, abuse, or drug issues. Gather any other facts that show the other parent might not provide a safe and loving home for the child.

Documenting Your Role as the Primary Caregiver

In custody cases, courts often support the parent who cares for the child the most. This parent understands the child’s needs and daily routines very well. If you are the main caregiver, it is important to keep clear records of what you do. You can do this by keeping a journal or using a calendar to track your daily activities with your child. Include details about:

  • Making meals and packing lunches
  • Bathing and dressing the child
  • Taking them to school, activities, and doctor visits
  • Aiding with homework and learning
  • Offering emotional support and care

Keeping good records can show your key role as the main caregiver. This can help in your custody case. It also shows how much you care about your child’s well-being.

Abandonment: Gathering Proof of the Other Parent’s Unfitness

If you believe the other parent is unfit, you must gather evidence to support your claim. Courts focus on what is best for the child. Your proof should demonstrate how the other parent’s actions, abandonment, or lack of action harm your child’s well-being.

In Indiana, proof of unfitness can include:

  • Neglect or abuse, like physical, emotional, or sexual
  • Problems with drug or alcohol use
  • Abandonment or lack of involvement in the child’s life
  • Home violence or crime
  • Mental health problems that hurt parenting skills

Presenting good evidence is very important. Keep clear records of events. Write down the dates, times, and who saw them. Photos, videos, and messages can help too. Just be sure to gather and share all evidence legally and ethically.

Strategies to Strengthen Your Custody Claim

A strong custody claim proves you can give your child a loving and stable home. It’s important to show you care about their physical and emotional needs. Ensure your home is safe and good for your child. Be ready to discuss any past problems that might concern others about your parenting.

You can show your care by going to parenting classes or getting help with mediation. These steps show that you want to work well with the other parent and put your child’s needs first. By being open to teamwork and open communication, you can make a good impression on the court.

Showing a Safe and Caring Home Environment

When deciding custody, the court looks at what is best for the child. This means the child’s safety, health, and development are most important. A good way to show you can care for your child is to have a stable and loving home.

Make sure you have a safe home that is right for your child. Think about their age and any special needs they might have. The court will also check your financial situation. They want to see if you can give things like food, clothes, and healthcare.

It’s important to make your home feel strong and supportive. Your child should feel safe, loved, and cared for. You need to be there for your child’s feelings, help them grow, and set fair rules to guide them.

Engaging in Mediation and Co-parenting Classes

Seeking mediation and taking co-parenting classes can be good steps, even if you want full custody. These actions show you want to cooperate and communicate well for your child’s care.

Mediation helps you and your child’s other parent work together with an unbiased mediator. The mediator supports you in making a parenting plan that includes custody and visitation. This can be helpful in:

  • Encouraging clear talking
  • Spotting and handling issues
  • Reaching deals that lessen disputes

Co-parenting classes provide you with helpful tools and ways to:

  • Good communication with the other parent
  • Handling conflict in a good way
  • Making choices that put the child first
  • Creating a safe and caring home for your child

By taking part in these activities, you show that you care about good co-parenting. This matters for your child’s health, even if you want full custody.

The Importance of What a Child Likes in Custody Choices

In Indiana, courts do not decide custody based only on what a child wants. They consider a child’s wishes, especially as the child gets older. A child’s preference matters based on their age, how grown-up they are, and the reasons for what they wish. Courts pay attention to any pressure from a parent. They want to understand the child’s real preference.

Judges have several ways to find out what the child thinks. They can talk to the child alone. They might also hire a guardian ad litem to protect the child’s best interests. Sometimes, they will let the child speak in court if it is appropriate. It is vital to manage this carefully. Your child should feel heard, but also know that the court will make the final decision.

Understanding How Age Affects a Child’s Choice

When a court decides about custody, a child’s wishes can be important. However, the court also considers the child’s age a lot. Little kids may want things that feel nice or fun at the moment. However, they might not fully understand what it means to live with one parent instead of the other in the future.

As children grow up and learn new things, their opinions start to matter more. Teenagers can explain why they want to be with one parent. The court may hear them, especially if it is what is best for them.

Still, it’s important to know that a child’s choice is just one part of what the court looks at during custody cases. The court always wants to find a plan that best helps the child. Even if a child really wants something, the court can decide otherwise if it thinks that choice is not what’s truly best for the child.

Incorporating Your Child’s Voice Without Pressure

In custody issues, parents want to hear what their child thinks. It is important to manage this in the right way. Your child should not feel pressured or caught between parents. Create a safe and friendly place where they can share their feelings and choices without fear of what others think.

Talk to your child about their needs and feelings instead of asking which parent they want to live with. You can ask them questions about what they enjoy doing with each parent, find out what they like or dislike about their home, and ask about any worries they might have.

Remember, getting your child involved in custody issues does not mean making them feel uncomfortable or forcing them to choose sides. It is important to respect their feelings. Focus on having open talks and ensuring they feel heard. Their emotional health should be a top priority in this situation.

The Steps to Get Full Custody in Indiana

Going through the court process for full custody in Indiana can be tough. This is especially true for those who don’t know a lot about family law. It’s smart to seek help from an experienced family law attorney. They can make sure your rights are protected, and your case is strong.

You will probably have to attend custody hearings. During these meetings, they will share evidence. The court will then decide what is best for the child. The legal system is complicated, so it is important to have a lawyer with you. They can help you and give you support.

Your lawyer will take care of the paperwork and represent you in court. They will also provide you with advice during the process. It’s important to know family law and to stand up for what you want. This can improve your chances of winning your custody case.

What to Expect During Custody Hearings

Custody hearings in Indiana Family Court are designed for both parents to express their opinions and provide evidence on who should take care of their child. As a parent, you have the legal right to attend and present your case to the judge.

At the custody hearings, you can provide proof to support your request for full custody. This proof can include:

  • Testimony from people who understand your family situation well
  • Documents that show you can give a stable and loving home
  • Proof of the other parent’s unfitness, if it’s important

The court wants to make the best choice for the child. The judge will carefully review all the evidence. They may also speak with the child on their own to understand their feelings, especially if the child is old and mature enough.

Tips for Presenting Your Case Effectively in Court

Presenting a strong case for full custody in Indiana needs good planning and clear communication. The court process can feel scary. Having a skilled family law lawyer with you is very important to help you get through the legal system well.

Here are some tips to enhance your case:

  • Be organized: Collect all important papers, like money records, school reports, and proof for your request.
  • Dress appropriately: Wear clothes that show you take this situation seriously and respect the court.
  • Be respectful: Talk to the judge and the other lawyer kindly, even if you do not agree.
  • Focus on the child’s best interests. Work your arguments around how your wish for full custody helps your child, giving specific examples and proof.
  • Be honest. Share true information, even if it doesn’t show you in a good light.



Be organized

Prepare all documents and evidence beforehand.

Dress appropriately

Choose professional attire to convey respect for the court.

Be respectful

Maintain courtesy towards the judge, opposing counsel, and court staff.

Focus on the child

Emphasize how your custody request benefits your child’s well-being.

Be honest and truthful

Provide accurate information, even if it might not be favorable to you.

Hire an attorney

Seek legal representation from an experienced family law attorney to guide you through the complexities of the court process and ensure your rights are protected.

When to Seek Legal Representation

Seeking help from a good family law attorney is very important in any custody dispute, especially if you want full custody. Child custody cases can become tricky quickly. What happens in these cases can change your life and your child’s life for a long time.

A good family law lawyer can help you with the legal steps. They will guard your rights and show your case in the best way possible in court. They can also explain your legal choices, likely outcomes, and the best actions to take for your situation.

Consultation: Benefits of Hiring a Family Law Attorney

Getting a skilled family law attorney in Indiana, like Bernhardt Phillips, LLP, has several advantages if you want full custody of your child. Their understanding of custody laws and court procedures can assist you as you face the issues in your case.

First, they can explain your rights, choices, and any problems that relate to your situation. This helps you make good choices during the process. They know how to show evidence that helps your case for full custody and work for the best results while following the law.

Attorneys are great at negotiating and representing you. They can talk to the other party or their lawyer to find solutions that work for all. This helps make the process less stressful. If your case goes to court, your lawyer will stand up for you. They will show your case to the judge and protect your rights.

Choosing the Right Lawyer for Your Custody Battle

Choosing the right lawyer for a custody case is very important. It helps protect your rights as a parent and ensures your child gets the best care. Start by asking for advice from people you trust. These could be friends, family, or others who have gone through the same situation.

When you meet with different lawyers, look at their experience and skills. See how well they communicate. You want a family law attorney who knows a lot about child custody cases. It’s also important that they can explain things clearly.

Make sure they hear you and meet your needs. A lawyer who understands and genuinely cares about your child’s well-being can make your experience better.

Handling child custody can be tough. You need to understand Indiana’s laws and prepare in advance. Keep records that show you are the main caregiver. Show that your home is safe and stable. This can really help your case. Also, being part of mediation and focusing on your child’s happiness can help with custody choices.

Don’t forget that getting a lawyer can give you support and advice during this time. By following these steps, you can improve your chances of getting full custody of your child in Indiana. Contact Bernhardt Phillips, LLP, to get a free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

In custody cases, courts focus on what is best for the child. They care about the child’s safety, happiness, and development. Courts check several key factors in the child’s life. This includes how well each parent can provide a loving and stable home. They also review how each parent has taken care of the child and the bond the child has with both parents. Choices about legal custody, physical custody, and child support are made based on what the child needs.

Moving to a new state with a child after winning full custody in Indiana can change custody rights and parental responsibilities. If one parent wants to move to Texas, they must have court approval or written permission from the other parent. This is important to keep the custody order from being broken.

A father can boost his chances of getting sole managing conservatorship, or full custody, by consistently being involved in the child’s life. He should put the child’s best interests first. It’s important to show clear proof that he can offer a safe, loving, and stable environment. The best way to understand his rights and deal with legal issues is to hire an experienced family lawyer.

To get full custody of your child in Indiana, follow these key steps:

  1. File a Petition: Submit a petition for custody to your local family court.
  2. Focus on the Child’s Best Interests: Demonstrate that full custody is in the best interest of your child by showing your ability to provide a stable, loving, and safe environment.
  3. Document Everything: Keep records of your involvement in your child’s life, and any issues with the other parent that could impact your child’s well-being.
  4. Attend Mediation and Court Hearings: Be prepared to participate in mediation or court hearings where a judge will review the evidence and make a custody decision.
  5. Consult a Lawyer: Work with a family law attorney to ensure you meet all legal requirements and effectively present your case.
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