Essential Guide: Emergency Custody Indiana

Getting Divorced While Pregnant

Key Highlights

  • In Indiana, a child can get emergency custody if they are in danger.
  • This allows officials to remove a child from a bad situation for a little while.
  • To get this custody, you must have clear legal reasons, such as neglect or abuse.
  • You need to start by filing a petition in court and showing evidence.
  • It is important to speak with a good family law lawyer to help you with this.

Navigating family law can be difficult. It gets more challenging when a child’s safety is at risk. When swift action is needed to protect a child, emergency custody is crucial. In Indiana, obtaining emergency custody is a serious matter. There are clear legal steps and rules to follow.

This blog post will explain what emergency custody means in Indiana. It will also show how it differs from regular custody changes. Additionally, it will guide you on how to apply for emergency custody and explain the legal process involved.

Understanding Emergency Custody in Indiana

Emergency custody helps keep a child safe. It is used when there are serious worries about the child’s health or feelings. This plan allows the court to give temporary care to a trustworthy adult. This adult can keep the child safe while waiting for an initial hearing within 48 hours, not counting Saturdays, Sundays, and some holidays. A full hearing will then find the best long-term care plan for the child, making protective emergency custody a crucial tool in ensuring the safety and well-being of children in Indiana.

In Indiana, emergency custody is not a lasting solution. It is a quick measure to protect a child while the court studies the main problems. Usually, an emergency custody order is only in place for a short time until a larger hearing can take place.

The Legal Basis for Emergency Custody

The legal rules for emergency custody in Indiana aim to keep children safe. A parent or guardian must prove to the court that urgent action is necessary to shield the child from danger, making it crucial to understand the need for services in these situations. This includes issues like neglect, abuse, or unsafe situations. Strong proof and evidence are key to getting emergency child custody orders from the court or the Indiana Department of Child Services and placing the child in protective custody until a hearing can be held for the removal of the child.

The court reviews the request and the evidence to determine whether an emergency custody order is necessary. If the court thinks an emergency hearing is needed, both parents or guardians can express their views and reply to the claims. The court will decide what is best for the child, with the safety and well-being of the child being the main focus.

Emergency custody orders can sometimes be given without both parents or guardians present. This is called ex parte basis. The court does this when it is urgent to keep the child safe. A hearing usually happens shortly after this. This allows everyone to share their thoughts before the court makes a final choice. Knowing the legal basis for emergency custody, including the ex parte option, is very important for parents who want to protect their child’s safety in Indiana.

Circumstances That Warrant Emergency Custody

The main reason for getting an emergency custody order is when a child’s safety is in danger. This can happen in several ways. A child might experience physical or emotional abuse. A child may also struggle if there isn’t enough care or if they stay in unsafe places. A common reason people seek an emergency custody order is when a parent uses drugs or alcohol irresponsibly. If this affects how they care for the child, it might lead to the need for an order.

Big changes that affect a child’s safety can result in emergency custody. This may happen if the parent caring for the child can no longer provide safe care. It can also take place if there are serious claims of domestic violence that put the child’s safety at risk.

It is important to know that emergency custody must show real and urgent concerns for a child’s safety. Small fights or minor parenting problems are usually not real emergencies. The court examines the evidence carefully to ensure that any emergency custody order actually protects the child from harm. A key factor in proving the need for emergency custody is showing a substantial change in circumstances that warrants quick action to keep the child’s physical health safe or hurt the child’s emotional development. This change, also known as a modification of custody, should clearly show that the other parent, also known as the custodial parent, can no longer care for the child as agreed in the custody order, leading to the need for a custody modification.

Preparing for Your Emergency Custody Case

To get emergency custody, you need a strong case for the court. Make sure you prepare well. This means gathering important evidence to back up your claims. Hiring a good family law attorney in Indianapolis, like Bernhardt Phillips, LLP, is also very important.

A strong emergency custody case must be clear. It should explain why quick action is needed to protect the child. You need to include facts and proof that prioritize the child’s safety.

Documentation and evidence are needed

When you handle tough family law cases, good paperwork is very important. Clear records can really support your case. They give the court a better understanding of what is going on.

Start by collecting all the papers that support your claims about abuse, neglect, or a harmful situation for the child. This can include photos, videos, medical records, police reports, or messages like emails and texts that show your concerns. The more complete your documents are, the stronger your case will become.

Your papers need to show a clear record of bad behavior or a serious issue for the court to check. Make sure your papers are correct, simple to read, and clear. This will help a lot when you present them in court.

Identifying Witnesses and Expert Testimonies

Witness testimonies play a key role in your emergency custody case. It would be best if you looked for people who could talk about what they observed and were concerned for the child’s safety. This can include teachers, childcare workers, neighbors, family friends, or relatives who have noticed problems. They can provide details about the child’s life at home and back up your claims.

Expert opinions can help your case. Talk to professionals like child psychologists, therapists, or social workers. They can look at the situation fairly and share their views. Their advice can show the emotional or mental effects the current living situation might have on the child.

It is important to pick a law firm that understands family law. Choose one that focuses on emergency custody cases, especially when those cases are tricky, like emergency custody changes. This way, you can work with experienced divorce lawyers in Indianapolis. They will help you get ready for court and find witnesses and experts to help with your case. They will also assist you in presenting your case clearly and legally.

Step-by-step Guide to Obtaining Emergency Custody

Getting emergency custody requires several steps. It is important to follow the process closely. Every case is unique and may need a special method. Still, understanding the basic steps can really help you during this tough time.

Here is an easy guide to help you learn how to get an emergency custody order in Indiana:

  • First, know why you need an emergency custody order.
  • Next, gather all the important papers you may need.
  • Then, file your request in court.
  • After that, go to the court hearing.
  • Wait for the judge to decide on your request.
  • First, see if you can get an emergency custody order.
  • Next, fill out the forms to apply for the order.
  • After that, file the forms in court.
  • A hearing will be set, so gather proof to support your case.
  • Finally, go to the hearing to explain your side to the judge.

Step 1: Consult with a Family Law Attorney

Navigating family law can be hard, especially in emergency custody cases. It’s important to get help from skilled family law attorneys. They understand Indiana family law well. Their experience in court can protect your rights and support what is best for your child.

A good family law lawyer who focuses on emergency custody will help you at every step. They will explain the legal process. They will also share any challenges you may encounter. They will look at how strong your case is based on your situation. Plus, they will make sure that all forms are filled out correctly and sent in on time. The firm’s other three core specialties—appellate advocacy, civil practice, firearms law, and core areas of family law—supplement this general practice focus.

In court, they will speak for you. They will clearly explain your situation. They will do their best to find a result that keeps your child safe and happy. Their support and care can really help how your case turns out.

Step 2: File a Petition for Emergency Custody

To start getting emergency custody, you must file a paper with the right court in Indiana. This paper is very important. It explains why you think the child is in danger and why you need custody for a short time.

The petition includes important details about everyone involved. It provides information about the child’s living situation, your reasons for the request, and any proof you have. It is very important to be clear when filling out the petition. Mistakes or missing details can delay the process or hurt your case.

Your family law attorney will assist you in understanding the rules for filing your case in court. They will check that all forms are filled out correctly. They will also make sure they are signed and submitted on time. Additionally, they will ensure that the other party receives a copy of the petition. This step will officially inform them about your legal actions.




Write the court’s name, the names of the parties, and the case number if it is assigned.


Introduce yourself as the person filing the petition and briefly explain your relationship to the child.

Statement of Facts

Present the facts supporting your request for emergency custody clearly and simply. Use specific dates, times, and places without emotional words or personal attacks.

Request for Relief

Ask the court to give you temporary emergency custody of the child. Include what you want for custody arrangements. You can also ask for limits on visitation for the other parent if it is needed for the child’s safety.


Sign the petition and have it notarized. This shows that the information you gave is true.

Step 3: Prepare for the Custody Hearing

Getting ready is very important for good results in your emergency custody hearing. Your family law lawyer can help you make a strong case that looks at the child’s needs. This means you should collect all your evidence, like papers, photos, and videos. By doing this, you will give the court a clear view of the situation and show that you understand civil law.

It is important to be prepared. Get ready yourself and any witnesses who will speak for you. Find out what happens in court. Think about common questions they may ask you and practice your answers. How you prepare and act can change how the judge sees your case.

Emergency custody hearings are based on the court’s schedule. These situations are urgent, so they can happen fast, even on weekends or holidays. It is important to be quick and provide information. It also helps to be ready to be available at any time during this period.

Step 4: Attend the Custody Hearing

The custody hearing is the time to show your case to the judge. Your lawyer will give evidence, call witnesses, and back your request for emergency custody. You will explain your situation and talk directly to the judge.

The other parent, called the opposing party, can share their side of the story. They might ask about your evidence and share their worries. It is key to stay calm during the hearing. This is true even if they ask hard questions or have another opinion. Your lawyer will support you through this. They will protect your rights and make sure you are heard.

The judge will decide after considering all the facts, including evidence and statements from witnesses. If the judge thinks emergency custody is necessary, they will write a final order explaining the short-term custody situation, visiting times, and other important details.

After Obtaining Emergency Custody

Getting an emergency custody order is important to keep your child safe. Remember, this order lasts only for a short time. It’s crucial to understand your legal duties and responsibilities while you have this order.

Your family law attorney will help you know what to do next. They will ensure that you follow the court’s rules. This means you need to stick to the visitation times. It would be best if you also talked openly with the other parent when possible. Creating a safe and stable home for your child is very important.

Next Steps: Legal Obligations and Responsibilities

Getting emergency custody means you have important legal tasks to do while the order is in place. If you do not complete these tasks, it can cause serious issues. This could affect your custody now and any custody choices you want to make in the future.

One of the main jobs is to follow the court’s parenting plan for the parent who does not have custody. If the court hasn’t set any rules, good communication with the other parent is key. This helps both parents talk about the child’s well-being, school, and activities. The goal is always to put the child’s best interests first. It’s very important to create a stable environment, even during legal problems.

You may have to handle important tasks related to the child’s education, health care, and overall well-being. During or after the emergency custody process, people can discuss child support payments. It is important to stay informed and fulfill these responsibilities. This helps keep the child happy and shows that you are dedicated to providing them with a stable home.

Modifying or Terminating Emergency Custody Orders

Emergency custody orders provide a quick solution to certain issues. However, these orders can be changed or stopped if situations improve. To change them, you must file a petition with the court. You also need to explain good reasons for this request.

The judge will look at all the information, consider what is best for the child, and check if there have been big changes since the last order. These changes might require updating the parenting plan, changing visitation rules, or possibly returning custody to the other parent if that is the right choice.

This blog focuses solely on getting emergency custody. It doesn’t explain how to change or end those orders. If you want to change an emergency custody order you already have, it’s a good idea to speak to a family law attorney. They can offer you helpful advice and guide you through the process.

Getting emergency custody in Indiana can be hard. You need to know the legal reasons for this and collect the right papers. It is very important to talk to a family law attorney. You will have to file a petition and prepare for the hearing at the proper time. After you get custody on a temporary basis, you have legal duties to meet. Being set with proof and statements from expert witnesses can really help your case. Always remember that the child’s well-being is the most important part of emergency custody cases. Stay informed, seek help from legal experts, and follow the steps carefully to get the best results for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

An emergency custody situation in Indiana usually occurs when a child is in danger. This can be due to abuse, neglect, or unsafe living situations. In these cases, it is very important to obtain an emergency custody order. This order is meant to keep the child safe in custody.

The timing can be different, but the court intends to have an emergency hearing within 48 hours of a petition being filed. Weekends and legal holidays are not included in this period. Securing emergency custody takes time because these cases need a fast response.

To get emergency custody of your child in Indiana, you typically need to file a petition with the court outlining the reasons why you believe emergency custody is necessary. You may need to demonstrate that the child is in immediate danger or at risk of harm if they remain in the current situation. It’s recommended to consult with a family law attorney who can guide you through the process and help you understand the specific requirements and procedures for seeking emergency custody in Indiana. Keep in mind that each case is unique, so it’s important to seek legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.

An emergency custody matter typically involves situations where a child is at risk of immediate harm or danger, such as cases of abuse, neglect, domestic violence, or other urgent circumstances that require immediate intervention to protect the child’s safety and well-being. Examples of situations that may qualify as an emergency custody matter include physical or sexual abuse, drug or alcohol abuse by a parent, threats of harm, abandonment, or any other situation where a child’s safety is in jeopardy and requires immediate legal action to address. If you believe you are facing an emergency custody matter, it is important to seek legal advice and assistance promptly to protect the best interests of the child involved.

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